In today’s Rushed World, one is at risk of facing public outrage for not concluding in less than 30 seconds. This shame society skips the over the idea of due process while taking their aim of criticism towards any individual who has the nerve to use their actual brain. The need to be FIRST and RIGHT overshadow the responsibility to be correct.


The I need to be the first group disguised as sympathizers to a cause while pretending to feel compassion for a public story or incident. When in reality, they have the mentally of an elementary school kid who tries to finish drinking their juice box before everyone else. These type folk read only the headline and not the story because of fear of a missed opportunity to brag about being first. The moral high ground this group stands on is to humiliate those who may choose patience over bravado purposely.


The I need to be right group are skeptics who are quick to campaign their disbelief out loud like a black college drumline. These social media Sherlocks are naturally born contrarians. They are in constant prowl for the opportunity to tell the world in 100 plus characters or more how right they were as if it is a reflection of their ignored genius. These I be knowin types need no facts to prove their worth, only the desire to stand opposite of public opinion no matter what details may come to light. In a rushed world, there is a high desire to be right that outweighs being true. The Jussie Smollett incident, some people pushed past logic to crown him as a hero instantly. The opposition cried “foul” by quickly believing the staged story defense of two Doublemint twin muscle milk brothers. While some overlooked how quickly the Chicago police dept solved the case despite their many years of unsolved public drive-by shootings and R.Kelly’s 30-year pied piper activities. Developing an opinion based on facts should not ridicule and treated the same as an act of silence. Balance is key, and there should always be a healthy practice to hear a story with empathy while forming a conclusion with objectivity without risking the chance of becoming an immediate idiot.

J Hall
